Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Adventures of Billie Willie and Pancie Dancie

Pansy's big surprise

Once upon a time not that long ago, there lived a boy name Billy Willie on a huge farm house with his mom and dad and their chocolate lab 'Boy'. Billy was a sturdy little boy with chubby cheeks and a mop of dark hair. His best friend was Pansy Dancie who lived just up the hill with her mommy, daddy and three elder sisters. Pansy had long fair hair almost always braided into pigtails, a freckly face and sparkly green eyes. Pansy and Billie went to the local school together in the morning and after they would be back they were always up for an adventure.
It was a hot hot day. Billy and Pansy had just gotten off the school bus. It had been a tiring day at school.
''I'll see you in a while'', Billie called to Pansy as he pushed open the rickety fence gate.
He almost ran the way upto the house.
His stomach was grumbling.
Billy's mother had the lunch ready and after he had finished two rounds of everything, he gulped it all down with a glass of water. He looked at the grandfather clock, Pansy would be waiting for him. They were going to check out the old barnyard that was once part of the estate on the top of the hill. Pansy had an idea they could clean it up and get it ready before the village fair.
Off Billie went, and Boy followed him.
There was no where Billie would go and Boy wouldn't.
Pansy was waiting for them just outside her house. She ran up to meet them and together they skipped and
hopped all the way to the top of the hill.
That afternoon the wind picked up a little, as Billie jumped up fence that bordered the yard.
''Wow, this is huge'', said Pansy.
'If they could clean it up in time, she could pop the idea to her mom', she smiled to herself.
Pansy's mom always organized the village fair. Usually it was done in their recreation centre which when packed with lots of people was rather hot and stuffy.
They found a rake inside the barn and Billie started to gather hay and other things that had been there for ages.
Pansy's mind was full of ideas.
It was going to be her parents wedding anniversary on the day of the fair. She wanted to make it a special day for them.
She loved the huge apple tree right next to the barn. They could have sparkly lights up on that tree.
''Billie, we can even have games stall now that we have so much space", Pansy said.
"Yes we can. But not if you keep day dreaming. Come on and help", called Billie.
Laughing Pansy got up and cleaned her hands from the back of jeans, "You know I just can't help but day dream".

It took them the next three days to get the place clean enough.
It was upto Pansy now to convince her mom about changing the venue.
"Make sure you ask her today, or its going to be late". Billie reminded her.
"I know, i'm just waiting for the right moment", she said.
Looking at that the barnyard now, no one would have thought it had been abandoned for years.
Pansy gave Billie a hug.
"We've done it."
"I'm dead tired now, you owe me for this one", said Billie taking a long deep breath.
A speck of the evening sun showed behind the hill as the two friends trudged down the hill to their homes.
Pansy's mom agreed. Who wouldn't to such an exciting offer?
It was a beautiful Saturday morning.
The morning of the fair.
Billie's mom was already up and finishing up her third batch of chocolate brownies. His mom always set up a food stall at the fair.
Billie went into the kitchen to look around.
'Oh my', thought Billie, around him were lemon and strawberry tarts, chicken pies, a mountain of sandwiches, and yummy chocolate cupcakes.
"Not until you've brushed Billie", called his mom seeing Billie reach for a cup cake.
"Oh mom", Billie rushed to get himself all cleaned up.

Billie and his mom loaded all the food in their truck and up the hill they went.
Boy came running behind the truck.
Billie couldnot believe his eyes. Pansy's mom was great at organizing stuff.
The place looked magical.
The centre of the barn was cleared for dancing. There was going to be a live band playing music in the evening.
At one side of the yard there were stalls. Billie's mom had the first stall. He helped her set up all her things. People would just start coming in an hour or so. The other stalls sold fruit punch, tea, beer, pickles and what not.On the opposite side there were game stalls. There was a stall raffle tickets, another with hoops. For children there was a bouncy castle.
"Billie", shouted Pansy as she came running behind her elder sisters.
"Doesn't it look great", she smiled.
Billie thought Pansy looked different today. Her long hair was hanging loose, just held back from her forehead by a hair band. She was wearing a yellow flowery dress that brought out the green of her eyes.
"Where did you hide the cake?", she asked Billie.
"Its in the truck", he replied.
"I'm going to go and thank Mrs. Willie for the cake", she said.

The sun had gone down. Everyone had thoroughly enjoyed the fair. The kids still jumped up the bouncy castle. They just couldn't get tired of jumping. The live band had started playing music.
Billie's parents and all the elders had gotten up to dance.
"I think we should get the cake out", Pansy whispered in his ear.
There was a lovely flowery fragrance in the air. Or was it the perfume Pansy was wearing.
They went down to the truck and took out the chocolate cake Billie's mom had baked on Pansy's request.
As they came back, Pansy signalled the band to announce the little something she had told them earlier.
As the song ended, the singer smiled and announced that he had a surprise for Mrs Julie Dancie.
From behind him came Pansy carrying the chocolate cake.
"Happy anniversary, Mr & Mrs Dancie", he called.
Mr & Mrs Dancie were delighted. They hadnot expected such a surprise. They came up and cut the cake, as everyone clapped and cheered.
The band struck up a beautiful love long as all the couples again returned to the dance floor.
Pansy came up to where he was standing.
''Do you wanna dance?", she smiled and asked.
"Alright", said Billie, as they walked to the dance floor.
He was feeling wierd.
Pansy's eyes were sparkling as she wrapped her arms around Billie's neck.
"You're the best friend anyone could ask for", she whispered in his ear.

The song played............
Blue Night by MLTR

Lately you have been asking me
if all my words are true
Don't you know I'll do anything for you

Sometimes I haven't been good to you
Sometimes I've made you cry
And I am sorry for everything

but I promise you girl
I promise you this

When the blue night is over my face
on the dark side of the world in space
When I'm all alone with the stars above
you are the one I love

So there's no need to worry girl
My heart is sealed for you
And no one's gonna take it away

cos' I promise you girl
I promise you this

When the blue night is over my face
on the dark side of the world in space
When I'm all alone with the stars above
you are the one I love

Your voice is calling to me in my dreams
My love is stronger than it's ever been

When the blue night is over my face
on the dark side of the world in space
When I'm all alone with the stars above
you are the one I love

(Disclaimer* This story is an original piece of fiction, any resemblance to anyone alive or dead is just coincidental)
Blue Night is by MLTR and I've just put the song in the story cuz I love it.

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